Friday, May 29, 2015

15 Reasons Why Artistic People are Difficult to Understand

Did you ever get a feeling that someone is simply from out of this world? The fact is that we are all unique in our own way, but if we pay close attention to artistic people, we can all agree that they are a subspecies which can be studied and characterized in a certain way.
Artistic people have a special ability to express their impressions, feelings and memories through different kinds of art, and we truly appreciate what they do, but that doesn’t get us any closer to understanding them, right? Well, I had an interesting opportunity to pick their brains, and here’s what I was able to find out.

1. They have minds that work differently

The fact is, artistic people don’t have the same deduction system or system of values like most people, and that’s the reason why we can’t understand their actions or follow their train of thought. Their minds tick a bit differently than a regular person’s, because it’s moved by different details.

2. They consider the artwork they created to be their children

It’s very important to find a way to appreciate their work if you want to get close to an artistic person. If you have trouble understanding it, I’m sure you’ll get an explanation (and don’t argue with how reasonable it is) if you ask for one.

3. They are irrational when they are in love

Artistic people usually look like they are gliding the earth, but when they are in love, they are practically flying. Be sure they’ll do anything to show their affection – in their own way, of course – and you better not be there if things don’t turn out the way they planned, because they can fall into deep despair really quickly.

4. They express their feelings through codes

Speaking of feelings, artistic people tend to express them through everything but direct verbalization. If they dedicate a piece of art to you, spend a lot of time around you or give you significant looks you don’t fully understand, you should know they are just trying to show that you’re meaningful to them.

5. They don’t expect to be understood – in fact, they prefer not to be

This is one of those annoying characteristics artistic people have. They live in a world of their own and you can be positive that they like it there, so don’t even try to move them and place them in the real world, because not one artistic person will like it there.

6. They have problems with adjustment

Which brings me to my next point – if you do move them from their surroundings, don’t expect them to fit in. If you’re lucky, you’ll run into a social butterfly (there’s a small group of them which act like that), but the chances are minimal.

7. They have their own way of looking at the passage of time

This characteristic is noticeable in every aspect of an artistic person’s life. They can spend hours sitting in one place and act like they have been there for only a couple of minutes, but if you catch them while they’re in a bad mood, you won’t be able to make them sit still for a minute, because they’ll feel like hours are passing them by.

8. Their personality is conflicted

It’s difficult to figure artistic people out because they act like introverts and extroverts at the same time. It all really depends on which stage of productivity they are in – when uninspired, an artistic person will feel useless, which will make an introvert out of them. However, if they are satisfied with the place in life they are at, they will act like extreme extroverts.

9. They either over-criticize or over-appreciate their work

It’s completely irrelevant, what you see in their artwork – if they don’t like it, it will probably get torn apart or thrown in the garbage. However, they consider a piece of art to be good, you can expect for it to get glorified and cherished as if it were the most important thing in the world.

10. They don’t take rules too seriously

Just so you know, they don’t have real regards for any kind of rules, because most artistic people feel like they are binding. So, it’s not at all impossible to get in some kind of trouble when you’re in some kind of artsy company.

11. They are usually great hedonists

Most artistic people don’t really have limits when it comes to food, drinks and bad habits. There are all kinds of reasons you’ll hear from them; some consider it to be freeing and inspiring, while others seek for some kind of solution, especially if they are prone to depression.

12. They are found to be very attractive

No matter what kind of arts they are into, there’s something particularly inviting about them. So, whether you’re wondering why you feel attracted to a mysterious photographer, a pensive musician or an eccentric painter, you should know it’s pretty hard to put your finger on it.

13. They have a fear of being forgotten or irrelevant

If you take a look through the eyes of an artist, each piece of art they create should leave its mark on the world. Most of them have that selfish characteristic in them, because they desire to stay immortal through their artwork. So, normally, their biggest fear would be the opposite of that.

14. Their appearance makes them stand out

Artistic people tend to draw a lot of attention. A part of that attention comes from their charisma, or aura, or whatever you like to call it, but some of that is on purpose. They like to stand out, and they often achieve that with the choice of clothing items.

15. They need to feel loved

However confident and daring they pretend to be, artistic people have their insecurities. They need someone who will nurture them, make them feel loved and appreciated, push and inspire them to make great things. Artistic people contribute to making our world a better, more beautiful place, don’t they?
They can be difficult to handle or understand, but that’s nothing you can’t figure out with just a bit of patience. I hope you’ll find my pointers insightful, and I look forward to your feedback!

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