Tuesday, May 26, 2015

15 Things I Want My Son to Understand Before He Becomes A Teenager

Do you have a son? Watching your son grow from a boy to a teenager can be both beautiful and confusing for the parents and the son.
Check out these 15 things I want my son to understand before he becomes a teenager.

1. Fake It Until You Make It

Sometimes you many not feel very confident, but know that you are capable, talented and intelligent. Sometimes you will have to fake confidence, but if you believe in yourself you will realize you are worthy of respect and that you deserve to be confident.

2. Always Try To Be Nice

If you live by one rule, choose this one. Always try to be nice and your life will be more pleasant and easier because of this. Use your manners, offer to hold doors open for others, and be respectful towards everyone you meet.
Don’t be a bully – hurting and intimidating others will get you nowhere in life. And it won’t go well for you if I ever discover you have behaved like a bully!

3. Understand The Importance Of Trust

Be willing to trust everyone you meet – but do not trust anyone blindly. People have to earn your trust, and many people will deserve your trust. Be thankful, and appreciate everyone in your life that you can trust.

4. Learn How To Be Independent Around The House

Cooking, cleaning and doing the laundry – these are life skills that you will use every day. It may seem like a boring waste of time now, but when you get older you will be extremely glad that you don’t smell bad and that you can feed yourself.
You will feel good about yourself for being self-reliant – and it will be much easier for you to get a date.

5. Do Not Be Ruled By Negative Emotions

It is simple; fear and bitterness can ruin your life and make you very unhappy. Learn forgiveness, and how to let go for a much happier life.

6. Be Funny, But Don’t Be Mean

It is a lot of fun cracking jokes and being witty with your friends and family, but try to think before you make a joke. Will it offend, embarrass or upset someone? If it does, it isn’t a joke – and you could lose a friend. Would it be worth it?

7. Enjoy Me-Time

When life gets hectic and you feel overwhelmed, spend a few hours alone. Play on the Xbox or go for a walk – it will help you relax, and the peace and calm can also help to solve many of your problems.

8. Don’t Be Afraid To Tell Me If You Make Mistakes

Even the best humans make mistakes. We all do, and if you ever make a bad mistake, know you can always tell me. Even if it seems like the worst thing in the world, I promise to try and help you.
And if you really can’t tell me, tell someone else who you trust.

9. Decide What Matters To You

Decide what matters the most to you in life, and then live by it. Whether it is a career, your family or simply following happiness, stick to it and you are likely to live a good life.

10. Explore Everything

Explore the whole world, and if you don’t like the idea of that, explore the town where you live. Broaden your horizons and see new things. These things will broaden your mind and make you a more insightful person. I will always be waiting at home for you.

11. Treasure Your Family And Friends

Hold the people you love dearly close to your heart. When times are hard they will help carry your burdens, and when times are good they will join you to celebrate your successes.

12. Trust And Respect Are The Most Important Parts Of Sex

You may worry that everyone is having sex with everyone, but this is not simply not true. Don’t worry about if you’re having sex, or how many people you’ve slept with – sex is a beautiful thing and when it happens, it happens.
If someone is kind enough to let you have sex with them, wear protection and treat them with the respect they deserve. Never forget that no means no.

13. Feelings Are Not Permanent

No matter how happy you are, you will be sad again. Remember this and try to throw yourself into every great moment.
No matter how sad you are, you will be happy again. No feelings are permanent, but if you are going through a very hard time, get help.

14. Choose Your Own Path

Don’t try to follow the crowd. Put a lot of thought into what makes you happy and what you want to spend your life doing. Remember that hard work, sticking at it and a good attitude will help you to achieve anything you want in life.

15. Stand Up For Your Beliefs

Your beliefs help to shape you as a person. If you see something that you know is wrong, speak out. Be strong and brave even if it feels hard, because you will be proud of yourself later.

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