Tuesday, May 05, 2015



11 (ii) Accommodation Booking Service  by Tour Operator
90% of amount Charged
No CC . Other than IS of Tour Operator [01/10/2014]  .Invoice inclusive of Accommodation Cost
11(i) Package Tour by Tour Operator – Tpt, Hotel, Sight Seeing, Food, Entry Charges
75% of Gross Amount Charged
No CC Other than IS of Tour Operator [01/10/2014]  . Invoice Inclusive of all charges of tour
11 (iii) Services  by Tour Operator other than above
60% of amount Charged
No CC. Other than IS of Tour Operator [01/07/2014]  . Invoice Inclusive of all charges of tour
6. Renting of Hotels, Clubs, Other Commercial Places meant for residential or Lodging Purposes
40% on GAC
CC  of Inputs allowed . No CC of IS/CG
2. Transport of goods by rail
30% of GAC
No restriction on CC
3. Transport of passengers by rail
70% of GAC
No restriction on CC
5. Transport of passengers by air
60% of GAC
CC of IS No CC of Inputs / CG
7. Services of goods transport agency in relation to transportation of goods.
75% of GAC
No CC + Certificate from GTA
10. Transport of goods in a vessel
50% 40% of GAC [1/10/2014]  
9. Renting of any Motor vehicle designed to carry passenger  Motorcab
60% of GAC
No CC of I/CG/IS except
100% CC of IS (Abated) /
40% CC of IS (Unabated) Renting of Cab
9A Transport of passenger by a Contract Carriage other than Motor Cab or Radio Taxi
60% of GAC
1. Services in relation to financial leasing including hire purchase
90% of Interest Portion
No Restriction on CC . No abatement on Lease Management Fee, Processing Fee, Documentation Charges , Administrative Fee
8. Chit Fund Related Services
30% of GAC
4. Bundled service by way of supply of food or any other article of human consumption or any drink, in a premises ( including hotel, convention center,club, pandal,shamiana or any other place, specially arranged for organizing a function) together with renting of such premises
30% of GAC including Fair Value of Goods / Services Supplied by SR under same or different contracts
CC of IS/CG available. CC on Foods items covered under Chapter 1 to 22 of CETA not available. CC of other inputs available.
12. Construction of a complex, building, civil structure or a part thereof, intended for a sale to a buyer, wholly or partly except where entire consideration is received after issuance of completion certificate by the competent authority
70% of GAC including Fair Value of Goods / Services Supplied by SR under same or different contracts
No CC on Inputs used
CC of IS/CG available.
Value of Land included in amount charged from SR
Same as above + Carpet Area less than 2000 sq ft AND amount charged less than 1 Crore.
75% of GAC including Fair Value of Goods / Services Supplied by SR under same or different contracts

No CC on Inputs used
CC of IS/CG available.
Value of Land included in amount charged from SR

Alternate/Optional (Composition Scheme) Rates of ST – STR 1994

Air Travel Agent  - Rule 6(7) of STR
No  Restriction on CC
Domestic Booking  - 0.60% of Basic Fare
No  Restriction on CC
International Booking  - 1.20% of Basic Fare
Life Insurance Business – Rule 6(7A) of STR
No Restriction on CC
Entire premium not paid towards risk
X= Gross Premium allocated towards    Investments/savings ,  Mortality, Commission and Expenses/ overheads (-)  Mortality, Commission and Expenses/ Overheads shown separately in policy  (Example – Annuity, Superannuation policy)
3/1.5% of X
Entire premium not paid towards risk
X = Gross Premium allocated towards    Investments/savings ,  Mortality, Commission and Expenses/ overheads NOT shown separately in policy
No Option available
Entire premium paid towards risk cover in Policy
Purchase and Sale of Foreign Currency   - Rule 6(7B) of STR
No Restrictions on CC
Gross amount of Currency Exchanged
Upto 1 Lacs/ 1 Lac + and upto 10 Lacs / 10 Lacs +

Rate - 0.12% / Rs. 120 + 0.06% / 660 + 0.012% - Maximum 6000
Promotion or Marketing etc. of Lottery Tickets  Rule 6(7C) of STR
No Restriction on CC
If Guaranteed Prize pay out is more than 80%
7000 on every 10 Lacs (or Part of 10 Lacs ) on the Aggregate Face Value of Lottery Tickets  PRINTED  (NOT SOLD)
If Guaranteed Prize pay out is less  than 80%
11000 on every 10 Lacs (or Part of 10 Lacs ) on the Aggregate Face Value of Lottery Tickets PRINTED  (NOT SOLD)
Online Lottery
Aggregate Face Value of Lottery Tickets = Aggregate Value of Tickets  SOLD (Not Proposed under the Scheme)

Composition Scheme of Valuation -  ST (DOV) Rules 2006 – Rule 2A of ST (DOV) Rules, 2006
Original Work Contract
Value = 40%

Repair and Maintenance, Recondition, Restoration, Servicing Contract
Value = 70%

Completion and Finishing and Installation of Electrical Fittings
Value = 60% 70% [01/10/2014]

Purchase and Sale of Foreign Currency – Rule 2B of ST(DOV) Rules 2006
Conversion of Foreign Currencies
If RBI Reference Rate Available
If RBI Reference Rate not Available
Purchase of Foreign Exchange  against Indian Currency
RBI Reference Rate – Purchase Rate
1% of Purchase Value in Indian Currency
Sale of Foreign Currency against Indian Currency
Sales Rate – RBI Reference rate
1% of Sales Value in Indian Currency
Lower of the below two values :
Exchange of Foreign Currency in Foreign Currency
1% Purchase converted in Indian Rupees at RBI Reference Rate
1% Sales Converted in Indian Rupees at RBI Reference Rate
 Supply of Food and Drinks  in  a restaurant or as outdoor catering as under: Rule 2C of ST (DOV) Rules 2006

Service portion of food and drink at Restaurant
40% of Total Amount
Total Amount = Amount Charged + Free Supplies - VAT

Service portion of food and drink in outdoor catering
60% of Total Amount

No - CC of duty paid on Goods classified under Chapter 1-22 of CETA
CC of other Inputs + IS + CG available

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