Monday, May 04, 2015


Now a days,every reputed organization demands good to excellent communication skills.No matter how much technically skilled you are everything goes in vain when you are unable to express yourself effectively.Not everything can be achieved in one go.Effective communication and presentation skills requires constant practice with focus.Highly paid dream job,promotions and all your future aspects depends upon how you deal with senior management,colleagues andclients.Outer personality and degree in itself won’t do any good unless you learn you express yourself dynamically and confidentally.
selection process
Office Ethics :Important Considerations
 Don’t ever speak negative about your present and previous employer/principal CA.
 Don’t involve yourself into unhealthy gossips and group talks.
 Don’t involve yourself in personal matters during office time.
 Don’t let important office data and documents lying out of your eyes.
 Always be attentive and sincere towards your employer/principal CA.
 Don’t ever use abusive language.Nomatter all other employees do this in day to day activities.
 Maintain decent attire ,no matter what others are doing.
 Be helpful to others but not in a way that you become “YES MAN” always.Don’t allow others to take advantage of you.Stand and speak for yourself whenever required.
 Don’t discuss your personal lives with everyone.
body lang
Qualities of a good professional
1. High moral values and integrity.
2. Time punctual,dedicated and sincere.
3. Updated with recent developments of economy.
4. Treat every equally ,with respect and courtesy.
5. Hardworking+smartworking.
6. Clear communication and good presentation skills.
7. High confidence.
8. Should be a team player as well as individual worker.
9. Helpful and calm.
10. Maintains work life balance.
11. Prepared for deadlines,extendedhours,traveling.
12. Eye on details and analytical.
13. Disciplined and self motivated.
Qualities of a good resume
 Should not be copied.Make it from your original work.
 Length should not be more than 2pages.
 Don’t include too much colours.Acceptablecolours are black(mainly), navy blue and gray colour can be used to some extent.
 Do not include your photo unless asked.
 Do not include smallest achievements.
 Include some references in your resume.
 Do not write what is not within your knowledge.
 Do not write anything that is fake.
Cracking an interview successfully
 Maintain good discipline and wear formal attire.
 Maintain good speed(not of Rajdhani express) and modulate voice and tone whenever required.
 Do not wear too shiny and bright clothes.
 Be genuine and honest in whatever you say.
 Even if your English is not good ,just answer the questions but do not sit blank.
 Arrive atleast half hour before the scheduled time.
 Do not try to befool your interviewer ,they are not taking first interview.
 Do a lot of back preparations ,revise your concepts before appearing in interview.In technical rounds it will help a lot.
 Do not be much talkative and personal with everyone.
 Make eye contacts with interviewer.
 If you get nervous before interview ,then deep breath and drink cold water to relax yourself.
1) You can heal your life-By Louise L Hay
2) Feng Shui for your body-By Skye Alexander
3) Who moved my cheese- By Spencer Johnson
4) Think and grow rich-By Napoleon hill
5) Many lives ,many masters- By Dr Brain Weiss
6) Creative Visualization – By Shakti Gawain
7) Life is what you make it-By PreetiShenoy
8) The monk who sold his Ferrari –By Robin Sharma
9) The Secret-By Rhonda Byrne
10) The Game of life and how to play it- By Florence Scovel Shinn
“Arise,awake and stop not till the goal is reached-Swami Vivekananda”

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