Saturday, May 16, 2015

ITT Question Bank for Students

1.       BBS stands for______(bulletin board system)
2.       USENET  is a BBS on ____ scale(large)
3.       Internet can be defined as _______(network of network)
4.       _________is a program that displays information about a host connected to the net(finger service)
5.       _______ is a program or a tool that helps in locating a file anywhere on the net(ARCHIE)
6.       URL  stands for ____________(uniform research locator)
7.       A ______ always begins with a slash(command line)
8.       The World Wide Web is referred to shortly as the _______(web)
9.       ______ is a program that helps us to log on to other networks(telnet)
10.   HTTP is the acronym for __________(Hyper text transfer protocol)
11.   ______is used to transfer and copy files over the internet(uucp)
12.   _____ is a program that helps us to log on to other networks(telnet)
13.   TCP/IP stands for ________________(transmission control protocol/internet protocol)
14.   HTTP stands for______(hyper text transfer protocol)
15.   Two of the important browsers are_____ and_____(netscape,ie)
16.   ________ are defined as ways of communication amongst networks(protocols)
17.   HTML stands for_____(hyper textmarkup language)
18.   The system of interlinked documents is known as_______(hyperlink)
19.   The small programmes that create animation,multimedia,real-time games and multi user games are called______(applets)
20.   The information displayed on the web page includes______,_____ and_____(graphics,videos,audio)
21.   The web pages that represent online home of their author are called______(home page)
22.   _____ is the most popular internet service(electronic mail)
23.   _______ is a program or a tool that helps us find a file anywhere on the net(archive)
24.   Yahoo,lycos,excite and webcrawlers are _____(web directories)
25.   GIF is the acronym for ____________(Graphical interchange Format)
26.   JPEG is the acronym for ___________(Joint Pictures Expert Group)
27.   The World Wide Web consists of _________(web pages)
28.   A hyperlink can be on ___________(text or image)
29.   Web is a collection of ___________(web sites)
30.   The two major browsers used to surf the Internet are ________,_______(MS Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator)
31.   The internet is also called as _______________(the net)
32.   The internet is similar to _________________(peer-to-peer connectivity)
33.   The net transfers______ from one place to another(data)
34.   The net provides interesting services like______,______ and______(email,fileretrived,internet tools)
35.   ________ is the ancestors of the internet(arpanet)
36.   DARPA stands for _______________________________________________(defensive advanced research projects administration net)
37.   DARPA is broken into ________ and _______(milnet,smallerarpanet)
38.   NSFNET is the united states provides service to _____ and_____(education,research)
39.   HTML stands for ______________________________________(Hyper textmarkup Language)
40.   The first international IP network connections were established in 1973 with _____ and_____(england,norway)
41.   A_____ is a set of computers interconnected by transmission paths to exchange information in internet(network)
42.   A computer that provides a service usable by other computers is called______(servers)
43.   _____ can be owed by multiple organisation(WAN)
44.   Data is transmitted in the form of_____ signals(digital)
45.   Modem stands for __________________(Modulation/demodulation)
46.   ______ is the process of the digital signals being converted into a form suitable for analog transmission(Modulation)
47.   ________ and______ are two basic ways of getting connected to the internet(Dedicated access and dial up access)
48.   SLIP stands for ________________(Serial line protocol)
49.   PPP  stands for _____(Point to point protocol)
50.   Identify the need for controls and auditing in a computerised environment.(All of the above)


1.       1024 Megabyte is equivalent to:(1 GB)
2.       The software used for layout of newsletters and magazines along with text and images is called……(Desktop publishing)
3.       The model used to describe the relationship between data and information is called(System model)
4.       A super computer uses a bus width of……(64 bits)
5.       When a processor executes one billion floating-point arithmetic operations per second, is called…..(Gigaflops)
6.       The processor responsible for communication to and from all the remote terminals connected is termed as ………(Front-end processor)
7.       The processors used for speed-critical graphics applications are……(RISC)
8.       The plastic cards with embedded microprocessor and memory are called…..(Smart card)
9.       VLSI stands for…..(Very large scale Integration)
10.   The data width of a Pentium 4 computer is ……(32 bits)
11.   The unit which executes addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations is ……(ALU)
12.   The instructions to be executed by the processor are loaded from memory into the(Instruction register)
13.   The results of a process are stored into ………(Accumulator)
14.   The memory that stores data as a series of memory cells that can be accessed sequentially is……(SAM)
15.   The technology used to accelerate the processing of a computer is ………(Cache memory)
16.   The memory used in a computer's BIOS chip is……..(Flash memory)
17.   The process of swapping information between the RAM and hard disk can cause(Thrashing)
18.   The standard system bus was replaced by frontside and backside bus called…….(Dual independent bus)
19.   The DSP,DAC,ADC,and  ROM are parts of the ……(Sound card)
20.   The bus whose widths are 32 or 64 bits is called……(PCI)
21.   The maximum resolution of a standard SVGA adapter is ……(1280*1024)
22.   …………. synthesis method uses recordings of actual instruments.(Wavetable)
23.   The instrument that can produce continuous lines is…..(Plotter)
24.   PPM , CPS are units used to measure the printer's …..(Speed)
25.   The PCL and postscript are defacto standards for……(Page description languages)
26.   A laser printer has RAM for downloading fonts called the…….(Soft fonts)
27.   The characteristic which refers to how sharply a pixel appears on the monitor is called…..(Convergence)
28.   The faster the refresh rate,  the lesser the monitor…..(Flickers)
29.   The number of bits used to represent a pixel in a monitor decides the …….(Colors and shades of gray that can be displayed)
30.   The input device that utilizes a light-sensitive detector to select objects on a display screen is called…..(Light pen)
31.   The most commonly used scanner technology is….(Charge-coupled device)
32.   Identify the type of mice that uses optical sensors to detect motion of the ball.(Optomechanical)
33.   Identify the input device that consists the puck and the stylus.(Tablet)
34.   Identify the disk which has an access time of 30ms.(Winchester disk)
35.   A set of tracks across a set of platters in a hard disk is called a……(Cylinder)
36.   The bus used to connect a CD-ROM to your computer is…..(SCSI)
37.   The digital audio tape with the capacity of 24GB of data uses the technology called …..(Helical scan)
38.   The floppy disks that support 400k-1.2 MB belong to……(Macintosh)
39.   The backward compatible disk that has high density-120MB is called….(SuperDisk)
40.   The maximum capacity of an optical disk is ……(6 GB)
41.   Which of the auxiliary storage devices uses the constant angular velocity access technology?(CD-ROM)
42.   The…… an  auxiliary sequential access non-volatile storage device.(Magnetic tape)
43.   The portable device that optimizes the features of the floppy and the CD-ROM is….(MO drives)
44.   The important central module of an operating system is the…..(Kernel module)
45.   Identify the function of the operating system that manages the tasks waiting to be processed.(Job management)
46.   This function of the OS manages allocation of a minimum main memory to tasks.(Virtual memory storage)
47.   Identify the multitasking type that slices CPU time to each program.(Preemptive)
48.   The OS which allows different parts of a single program to run concurrently is…..(Multithreading)
49.   The OS that monitors external activities with timing constraints is….(Real-time)
50.   The 32bit operating system for desktop version that replaces Win 9x is…..(Win 2000 professional)
51.   The high-level logical disk structure which defines the way the entire disk is organised is …..(File allocation table)
52.   A collection of sectors on a hard disk is a(Cluster)
53.   The FAT system that provides long filename support and was written using protected-mode code .(VFAT)
54.   Identify the file system that provides networking,security,compression, large file support….(NTFS)
55.   The logical directory structure has a base of the tree called the……(Root directory)
56.   The process used to optimize the disk space by arranging files contiguously is …..(Defragmentation)
57.   Choose the level of RAID that offers disk mirroring for fault tolerance.(Level 1)
58.   Identify the archive formats found on Unix-based Internet sites.(Tar, gz, taz)
59.   Identify the window screen part that indicates the name of the window, application or document.(Title bar)
60.   The button on the title bar of a window that displays the menu to control the size of the window is…..(Control box)
61.   The mouse operation that is used to move windows and icons to different locations is …..(Dragging)
62.   The start button,tray and shortcuts are important features of the …….(Task bar)
63.   The start menu option that keeps track of your important websites is …..(Favorites)
64.   If you want the recycle bin capacity to be distributed across partitions, you must use the option ……(Configure drives independently)
65.   The feature to retrieve deleted files from the recycle bin is …..(Restore)
66.   The feature which enables  to synchronize files between a floppy and disk is …..(My Briefcase)
67.   A file with the pdf extension can be viewed with the application…..(Adobe Acrobat Reader)
68.   The remote administration access to view shared resources on the network is…..(Net Watcher)
69.   The utility used to access the directory structure, create files and folders etc is….(Windows Explorer)
70.   The font, color, background settings are saved in the …..(Desktop themes)
71.   The Notepad utility saves files in the …… format.(ASCII)


1.       The IRC II client program command begins with a ….(Slash)
2.       The IRC conversations are organized into….(Channels)
3.       Identify the output of the IRC command " /list -min 10" .(Display channels with at least ten users)
4.       Lynx text browser is a web client in which users can login with …..(Shell accounts)
5.       A web browser provides this hotlist for a user.(Bookmarks)
6.       The tool to obtain information on the web by menus and more flexible than Archie is….(Gopher)
7.       These servers help in searching for words from a list of databases or documents.(WINWAIS and WAISMAN)
8.       This scripting language is an object based language and is developed by Netscape.(JavaScript)
9.       The one-way broadcast of live events is called….(Cybercast)
10.   This is a system of thousands of distributed bulletin boards and read by a newsreader.(Newsgroup)
11.   Unix shell provides mailing programs called ….(Pine and Elm)
12.   The Unix to Unix copy mail system separates parts of the mail address with the symbol...…..(!)
13.   The Netlauncher (TCP/IP) software consists of these programs that can run under Windows.(Both A and B)
14.   The parts of the WSIRC server (net tool) window are…..(Server message,command line and channels)
15.   These are small java programs that create games, multimedia etc. These are downloaded over the Net and executed by a web browser.(Java applets)
16.   The World Wide Web is a collection of…..(Web pages)
17.   It is a link which helps in retrieving information from the WWW easily.(Hyperlink)
18.   …………..directories deliver information on all the topics on the Internet.(Web maps)
19.   This browser does not display links in color.(Cello)
20.   The Mosaic browser stores information about the configuration in a/an ….(Ini file)
21.   This is an indexer that crawls around the web cataloging.(Webcrawler)
22.   The option by which the browser window in Navigator Gold 2.0 can be shifted to editor window is ….(New/Edit Document)
23.   This toolbar button displays information about web creation.(Web page starter)
24.   This window in Navigator Gold does not support frame display.(Editor window)
25.   The different ways of communication on the Web are…..(Both A and B)
26.   This download tool provides multi-server connection, can search for mirror sites and provides a file leecher.(Download Accelerator Plus)
27.   The…………button provides HTML tags for font style, alignments, and colour options.(Character Format)
28.   Identify the search engine that helps in concept based searching.(Excite)
29.   This is a text only browser.(Lynx)
30.   The multithreading feature of Netscape is facilitated with a storage space named…..(Cache)
31.   The distributed uploading of web pages through Navigator Gold is called…..(Web publish)
32.   The method of presenting information on the web through highlighted items is called……(Hypertext)
33.   The a2z directory is an alphabetical list of pages used by the search engine…..(Lycos)
34.   Netscape browser can display context links on an image called…..(Image maps)
35.   Name the download tool which highlights an area of a page and gets all the links that are within the highlighted area.(Webcow)
36.   ………...helps in business transactions, generating revenue and demand on the information highway.(Both A and B)
37.   The transfer of structured data for processing from computer to computer using agreed formats and protocols is called…..(Electronic Data Interchange)
38.   This system involves electronic transfer of funds between financial institutions.(Electronic Fund Transfer)
39.   A …… electronic mailbox stores EDI transactions for later retrieval.(Value Added Networks)
40.   The mutual satisfaction of price, terms and conditions, delivery and evaluation criteria in a marketplace is….(Negotiation and Bargaining)
41.   The type of advertising, the Broadcast and Junk Mail models are of…..(Push)
42.   Identify the models of passive advertising.(Both A and B)
43.   This layer is responsible for transmitting data as frames.(Data Link Layer)
44.   This layer is responsible for encoding of data.(Presentation Layer)
45.   This layer of the TCP/IP suite includes the device driver and network interface card.(Link Layer)
46.   This protocol is used for flow control, echo and flow redirection.(Internet Control Message Protocol)
47.   The software components that integrates different hardware devices with the operating system…..(Device drivers)
48.   This is the basic component that connects the computer to the network.(Network Interface Card)
49.   The dumb terminal/node in a network depends on this computer for their basic functioning.(Server computer)
50.   This has an embedded microchip which can both manipulate data and execute applications.(Combi card)
51.   To ensure a reliable communication between the buyer and seller, the protocol used is….(Secure Sockets Layer Protocol)
52.   The financial transactions are to be …………. leading to different steps in Accounts Compilation.(Grouped and summarized)
53.   The basic document where transactions are entered chronologically is….(Journal)
54.   These are the basis for analysis by potential investors, banks etc.(P & L Account and Balance Sheet)
55.   The accounts that the business owns is called ….(Asset)
56.   The expenditure for running the business for a period is …..(Expense)
57.   Identify the account type by the rule: "Debit the receiver and credit the giver".(Personal accounts)
58.   The first document where the transaction is entered is called a …..(Voucher)
59.   The document used for posting of accounting transactions is ……....(Journal and ledger)
60.   When the debit total is greater than credit total, the amount appears in the …….. column.(Debit)
61.   The methods LIFO, FIFO, Moving Average are used to ….(Value closing stock)
62.   The report prepared taking the asset and liability type accounts from the Trial Balance is called….(Balance sheet)
63.   The report that depicts operating profit/loss for a period is …..(P & L statement)
64.   The day book contains transactions relating to ………(Sales or purchase)
65.   The Bills Receivable details are maintained in a ……..(Sundry debtors)
66.   Creditors ledger has details of your dues to ……..(Suppliers)
67.   The sundry debtors are placed in the Balance sheet on the ……(Assets side)
68.   The first step in Tally before any transaction is entered or saved is creating a ………(Company)
69.   To configure country specific details use the function key……(F12)
70.   Identify the security mechanism used in Tally.(Tally Vault)
71.   After selecting a company in Tally, you will be in the……(Gateway of Tally)
72.   Tally software is based on ……… accounting system.(Mercantile)
73.   Identify the primary group of capital nature that uses bank account and cash in hand as sub groups.(Current assets)
74.   All financial entries in Tally are done using…….(Ledgers)
75.   The Direct expenses, Purchase account, Direct income are primary groups of …..(Revenue nature)
76.   The option to delete a sub-group  is admissible through the menu……(Alter)
77.   The behavioural attributes of this group cannot be changed.(Primary-group)
78.   Credit limits for personal accounts and branches can be done in the ledger mode……(Multiple)
79.   We are not allowed to delete a ledger from this mode.(Multiple)
80.   All account heads except Cash and Bank are placed in the……(General Ledger master)
81.   Identify the primary group of capital nature that has the sub-groups: Bank OD Account, Bank OCC Account.(Loans)
82.   The primary document for recording all financial transactions in Tally is the……(Voucher)
83.   You can customize the voucher entry screen using the function key…….(F12)
84.   Identify the voucher type that records fund transfers between cash and bank accounts.(Contra)
85.   This voucher type records adjustments between ledgers.(Journals)
86.   The use of classes for payment, receipt and contra vouchers enables data input in ……(List entry mode)
87.   The details of a voucher entry can be given in the …….(Narration)
88.   The credit note voucher can hold account types: ……..(Sales account, Sales tax account)
89.   The suffix and prefix details for the voucher type can be made applicable only from the …….(First of a month)
90.   The voucher used to record all bank and cash payments is …..(Payment)
91.   Tally's age-wise analysis considers the voucher's ……(Effective date)
92.   Arrange the steps in generating the books of accounts.
1. Create Trial balance
2. Create new ledgers
3. Generate Day Books
4. Update journals for financial transactions(2, 4, 3, 1)
93.   For day-to-day transactions the voucher types used are(Both A and B)
94.   Say for example a payment is made to a creditor ABC - Rs.10000 by cash, it can be entered into the voucher type…..(Payment)
95.   Identify the purchase voucher type, the transaction for purchase of 10 CPUs,10 monitors by credit.(Credit Purchases)
96.   Identify the voucher type to be chosen for the sale of computers to Anand by cash @ Rs.210000 per unit.(Stock Journal)
97.   A bank overdraft repaid by cheque at Rs.25000 can be made in the voucher…..(Contra)
98.   The financial statement that consolidates ledger balances is …..(Trial balance)
99.   The F9 function key in the left side of the Gateway of Tally screen displays the……(Inventory reports)
100.            The option on the Gateway of Tally that will generate the P&L account statement is…..(Net Profit)
101.            This displays the balance daywise for a selected voucher type.(Day book)
102.            The feature in Tally to analyze accounts of a company is…..(Ratio analysis)
103.            The age-wise statement is displayed based on……(Payables)
104.            The ratio analysis of receivables can be done based on……(Bill date)
105.            Name the statement that helps the management in the decision making process.(Funds flow)
106.            Identify the budget type which is chosen where transaction amounts are to be monitored.(On net transactions)
107.            Choose the budget type to be used where bank accounts balances are to be monitored.(On closing balance)
108.            The management that needs to consolidate the accounts of its various enterprises uses ……. in Tally.(Group company)
109.            Identify the user who can access audit trails in Tally.(Administrator)
110.            Identify the accounting feature in tally that facilitates splitting financial years for a company data.(Period-less accounting)
111.            The tracking of changes in vouchers and ledger masters is done by…..(Tally Audit)
112.            Tally can import data from other programs and creates a log about the activity in the file…..(Tally.imp)
113.            Import and export of data between Tally and other programs is possible with the help of…..(ODBC)
114.            The manual option of voucher numbering leads to…..(Duplicate number)
115.            The Tally audit trail tracks changes made to vouchers that are …..(more than 30 Days old)
116.            The ratio analysis of Bills Receivables or Bills Payables can be displayed with the function key…..(F6)
117.            A _____________ is a list of instructions for the computer.(Program)
118.            Which of the following displays the output?(Monitor)
119.            The term ______ refers to the physical parts of the computer.(Hardware)
120.            How many bits form a character?(8)
121.            System 7 is a/an ____________.(System software)
122.            Which of the following is used to create newsletters and magazines?(Desktop publishing software)
123.            A model to describe the relationship between data and information is called ______________.(System model)
124.            ________ can customize an application program for a specific task using the advanced features of application programs.(Power users)
125.            Computers are _______________.(All of the above)
126.            A _________ is one billion floating-point arithmetic operations per second.(Gigaflop)
127.            The capability to process multiple programs concurrently for multiple users is called ___________.(Multiprogramming)
128.            Which of these is a single-user computer?(Microcomputer)
129.            RISC stands for _________________.(Reduced Instruction Set Computer)
130.            Which of the following can be used as a server for LAN?(Workstation)
131.            The full form of PIM is ______________.(Personal Information Manager)
132.            First generation computers use _______________.(Vacuum tubes)
133.            ________________ are also called semiconductors.(Integrated circuits)
134.            Circuitry used in fourth generation computers is _____.(VLSI)
135.            ____ of CPU sends command signals to the other components of the system.(Control Unit)
136.            The opposite of RAM is ________________.(Serial Access Memory)
137.            Which of the following is not a type of cache memory?(L4 cache)
138.            When operating system has to constantly swap information back and forth between RAM and hard disk, it is called _____________.(Thrashing)
139.            ____ connects the microprocessor and the system memory.(Local bus)
140.            The shared bus _________________.(Connects additional components to the computer)
141.            The graphics card in a modern PC can connect in _________ way.(All of the above)
142.            Full form of PCI is ______________________.(Peripheral Component Interconnect)
143.            ______ carry signals and voltages across the motherboard.(Traces)


1.       In MS Excel, references to cells in other workbooks are called _____.(Links)
2.       In Excel, when E$5 is copied down or across, the _________ reference can change.(Column)
3.       Which of these is a valid range name in Excel?(___A.B)
4.       How to name a range in Excel?(All of the above)
5.       Which operator is used for exponentiation in Excel?(^)
6.       In Excel, ____ are structured programs that calculate a specific result.(Functions)
7.       In Excel, FACT(2.9) returns __________.(2)
8.       In Excel, LOG function returns the ________________.(Logarithm of a number to the base specified)
9.       In Excel, MROUND(1.3, 0.2) returns _______.(1.4)
10.   In Excel, __________ returns the average of the absolute deviations of data points from their mean.(AVEDEV)
11.   In Excel, ___ error message is given if the formula contains a blank cell.(#DIV/0!)
12.   In Excel, _________ error message is given if the formula contains text that Excel doesn't recognize.(#NAME?)
13.   To manually calculate all the formulas in a worksheet, press _______.(F9)
14.   To have column and row headings visible while scrolling the worksheet, _______________ feature is used.(Freezing Panes)
15.   If a cell is formatted as Accounting in Excel, zero values are shown as ________.(Dashes)
16.   By default, MS-Excel aligns error values in the ________.(Center)
17.   If cells A2, A3, B2 and B3 in a worksheet are merged, the cell reference for the merged cell is _______.(A2)
18.   Which of the following is not a chart type in Excel?(Row Chart)
19.   In MS-Excel, a 3-D column chart uses three axes - a horizontal axis, a vertical axis, and a ________ axis.(Depth)
20.   In which of the following situations, Excel's pie chart should be used?(There are no more than seven categories.)
21.   In a clustered bar chart in Excel, the ___________ are typically organized along the vertical axis.(Categories)


1.       Gopher is a ________________________.(Distributed document search and retrieval network protocol)
2.       Full form of WSIRC is _____________________.(Windows Sockets Internet Relay Chat)
3.       OSI model contains _______ layers.(7)
4.       Blog web sites are used to ____________________.(Post online diaries which may include discussion forums)
5.       Which of the following is not a limitation of Navigator Gold?(Drag and drop capability is not supported.)
6.       URL stands for ________________________.(Uniform Resource Locator)
7.       _____________ is the basic component that will allow a computer to communicate over a network.(Network Interface Card)
8.       An API _____________________________.(Provides network I/O to remote file systems)
9.       A search engine operates in the following order:(Web crawling, Indexing, Searching)
10.   In case of a static website, __________________.(Web pages stored on the server are in the same form as the user will view them)
11.   Fresh Download is ______________________________.(A download manager that supports multiple connections, scheduling as well as pausing and resuming of broken downloads)
12.   EFT involves ________________________.(The electronic movement of funds and fund information between financial institutions)
13.   Which of the following is a disadvantage of the catalog model of passive advertising?(Lack of timeliness)
14.   Full form of PDA is ____________________.(Personal Digital Assistant)
15.   SET uses _______ to ensure the  identities of all parties involved in a purchase.(Digital certificates)
16.   _______________ require a smart card reader in order to work.(Contact cards)
17.   In a network, clients that do not require the server for their basic functioning are called ________________.(Smart terminals)
18.   Which of the following is a protocol suite?(AppleTalk)
19.   Which of these statements is false for OSI reference model?(Presentation layer provides the interface between the applications and the computer network services.)
20.   ____________ is a private network implemented inside the enterprise to facilitate internal communication.(Intranet)
21.   The two companies or groups which exchange information through EDI are called __________________.(Trading partners)
22.   A/An ________ contains one or more documents for the same trading partner.(Transmission File)
23.   EDIFACT stands for _______________________.(EDI for Administration, Commerce and Transport)
24.   Metamediary model of online purchase ______________________________.(Provides services like quality assurance)
25.   To protect against merchant fraud while making payment online, use system from _____________.(Any of the above)
26.   JEPI stands for ____________________.(Joint Electronic Payments Initiative)
27.   _________________ is the transportation foundation that enables the transmission of content in the e-commerce framework.(Information Superhighway)
28.   EDI stands for _______________________.(Electronic Data Interchange)
29.   A typical EDI system converts generic EDI messages in EDI format to ___________ format.(RDBMS)
30.   Which of the following external document standards is not supported by an EDI system?(X10)
31.   In EDI, ___________________ define the procedural format and data content requirements for specified business transactions.(Transaction Set Standards)
32.   ITR stands for ____________________.(Income Tax Return)


1.       In MS-Access, a view cannot be sorted on ______________ fields.(OLE Object)
2.       ___________ queries are useful for summarizing information, calculating statistics, spotting bad data and looking for trends in a database.(Crosstab)
3.       ___________ form in MS-Access, lets the user see the datasheet in the upper section and a form in the lower section for entering information about the record selected in the datasheet.(Split)
4.       In MS-Access, _____________ controls are also known as memory variables.(Unbound)
5.       In MS-Access, ____________ are used strictly for viewing data and not for entering data.(Columnar reports)
6.       In MS-Access, _______ control lets the user to insert a picture into the form.(Logo)
7.       The relationship between a school and students is _______________.(One-to-many)
8.       Variance Analysis Report provides information on __________.(The difference between the actual vs the budgeted figures)
9.       __________ controls are designed to ensure that the integrity of the data entered into the computer system is maintained.(Input)
10.   Which of the following code type has the demerit of low mnemonic value?(Serial code)
11.   _____________ is a record level check though applied for a field.(Sign test)
12.   ______________ are the grand totals calculated for any code on a document in the batch.(Hash totals)
13.   __________ are required to check if correct sequence of commands and update parameters are passed from the application software to the database.(Data integrity related controls)
14.   ___________ tables are stored tables from which certain values are extracted for further processing and storing.(Internal)
15.   In ____________ tests, top-level modules are tested first.(Top-down)
16.   Which of the following technique is capable of identifying unusual transactions passing through the system?(Embedded Code)
17.   In ___________________ technique, care must be taken to ensure that live data does not impact actual results.(On-line Testing)
18.   _____________ testing is program-based.(White box)


1.       The methods LIFO, FIFO, Moving Average are used to ….(Value closing stock)
2.       The report prepared taking the asset and liability type accounts from the Trial Balance is called….(Balance sheet)
3.       The report that depicts operating profit/loss for a period is …..(P & L statement)
4.       The day book contains transactions relating to ………(Sales or purchase)
5.       The Bills Receivable details are maintained in a ……..(Sundry debtors)
6.       Creditors ledger has details of your dues to ……..(Suppliers)
7.       The sundry debtors are placed in the Balance sheet on the ……(Assets side)
8.       The first step in Tally before any transaction is entered or saved is creating a ………(Company)
9.       To configure country specific details use the function key……(F12)
10.   Identify the security mechanism used in Tally.(Tally Vault)
11.   After selecting a company in Tally, you will be in the……(Gateway of Tally)
12.   Tally software is based on ……… accounting system.(Mercantile)
13.   Identify the primary group of capital nature that uses bank account and cash in hand as sub groups.(Current assets)
14.   All financial entries in Tally are done using…….(Ledgers)
15.   The Direct expenses, Purchase account, Direct income are primary groups of …..(Revenue nature)
16.   The option to delete a sub-group  is admissible through the menu……(Alter)
17.   The behavioural attributes of this group cannot be changed.(Primary-group)
18.   Credit limits for personal accounts and branches can be done in the ledger mode……(Multiple)
19.   We are not allowed to delete a ledger from this mode.(Multiple)
20.   All account heads except Cash and Bank are placed in the……(General Ledger master)
21.   Identify the primary group of capital nature that has the sub-groups: Bank OD Account, Bank OCC Account.(Loans)
22.   The primary document for recording all financial transactions in Tally is the……(Voucher)
23.   You can customize the voucher entry screen using the function key…….(F12)
24.   Identify the voucher type that records fund transfers between cash and bank accounts.(Contra)
25.   This voucher type records adjustments between ledgers.(Journals)


1.       Digital signatures use ________________.(Public key cryptography)
2.       While sending signed and encrypted message using digital signatures; one-time symmetric key used for encryption, is encrypted using ______________________.(Recipient's public key)
3.       Certificates can be read or written by any application complying with _______.(X.509)
4.       ______________ are on-line databases of digital certificates.(Repositories)
5.       A Digital Certificate is issued by a _______________.(Certification Authority)
6.       Document authentication means ______________.(Identifying what is signed)
7.       _____________ is used to create the digital signature.(Private key)
8.       ARPA stands for ______________________.(Advanced Research Projects Agency)
9.       The device used for converting analog signal into digital representation is ______________.(Modem)
10.   ______________ is also known as shell accounts.(Dial up access)
11.   Which of these is not a web browser?(E-Meleon)
12.   Status bar ____________________.(Is the place which displays the progress of the loading page)
13.   Mirror servers can be used to ____________________.(Ease the load of data transfer)


1.       In Word, ____ key is used to update the index.(F9)
2.       The Research option is in _____ group of Review Ribbon in Word.(Proofing)
3.       In Word, Thesaurus provides the user with a list of _________.(Synonyms for a selected word)
4.       To see what changes have been made to a Word document, one can use ______________ utility.(Track Changes)
5.       View Ribbon in MS-Word can be accessed using the keyboard shortcut ______________.(Alt + W)
6.       To display our Word document in Draft view, which keyboard shortcut can be used?(Alt + W, E)
7.       In Word, ______________ shows an outline of the document's headings on the left of the Word 2007 window.(Document Map)
8.       In Word, a _________ is a shortcut for performing a series of actions and is useful for automating complex or repetitive tasks.(Macro)
9.       Which of these is a valid macro name in Word 2007?(A67S)
10.   For macro to be available whenever we use Word, the macro should be saved as part of the _____________ template.(Normal.dotx)
11.   The data in a ________ file cannot be changed.(PDF)
12.   A ___________ is defined as a set of unified design elements that provides a look for Word document by using color, fonts, and graphics.(Theme)
13.   In Word, themes have a palette of _____ colors.(12)
14.   In Word, a _________ margin setting adds extra space to the side margin or top margin of a document that we plan to bind.(Gutter)
15.   Which of the following is not a type of Section Break in Page Break options of Page Setup group in Word 2007?(Last Page)
16.   A watermark used in MS-Word, is ___________________________.(A translucent image that appears behind the primary text in a document)
17.   In Word, ____________ a shape is also referred to as Flipping.(Reversing)
18.   Address Block option is present in _______________ group of Mailings ribbon in MS-Word.(Write & Insert Fields)
19.   _______ file can be used as a data source in Mail Merge.(.csv)
20.   While doing Mail Merge, a specific merged document can be previewed by clicking _______________.(Find Recipient)
21.   In Word 2007, ___________ are the graphical equivalents of drop-down menus.(Galleries)
22.   The default extension for Word 2007 document is _____.(.docx)
23.   When all Office programs are exited and the computer is restarted, the Office Clipboard ______________.(Is cleared of all items)
24.   In Word, font effect _____________ draws a line through the selected text.(Strikethrough)
25.   In Word, a __________ indent controls the left boundary of every line in a paragraph except the first one.(Hanging)
26.   The Links group of Insert Ribbon in Word, contains options for _______________.(All of the above)
27.   To create a linked object along with existing information in Word, click _____________.(Paste hyperlink)
28.   Macros option is in ___________ Ribbon in MS-Word.(View)

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