Monday, May 04, 2015

Twenty tips for effective presentation

  1. Prepare your material carefully and logically
  2. Practice your talk
  3. Know your audience
  4. Know your occasion
  5. Know your speaking environment
  6. Pin down your topic
  7. Don’t put in too much material
  8. Avoid equation
  9. Have only a few conclusion points
  10. Talk the audience not to the screen
  11. Avoid making distracting sound like “uuuhhh” and “mmm”
  12. Polish your graphics
  13. Use humour if possible, but don’t go overboard
  14. Check your viewgraphs before you give the talk
  15. Switch off your cell phones if possible
  16. Be personable in talking questions
  17. If you don’t know the answer then say “I don’t know, I will have to into that.”
  18. If the questioner disagree with you and it looks like there will be an argument then defuse the situation.
  19. Never insult questioner
  20. Show courtesy by displaying  Thank you slide

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