Saturday, September 12, 2015


As6 Depreciation Accounting (Revised) 01/04/1995 All Level
As8 Research & Development-REMOVED( Now included in AS – 26)
As10 Accounting for Fixed Assets 01/04/1993 All Level
As11 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates (Revised) 01/04/2004 All Level
AS13 Accounting for Investments 01/04/1995 All Level
AS14 Accounting for Amalgamations 01/04/1995 All Level
As15 Employee Benefits 01/04/2006 All Level
As16 Borrowing Costs 01/04/2000 All Level
As17 Segment Reporting 01/04/2001 Level I
As18 Related Party Disclosures 01/04/2001 Level I
As19 Leases 01/04/2001 All Level
As20 Earning Per Shares 01/04/2001 Level I
As21 Consolidated Financial Statement 01/04/2001 Enterprises preparing CFS
As22 Accounting for Taxes on Income 01/04/2001 Listed Companies{ 01/04/2002  Other Companies}
As23 Accounting for Investment in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statement 01/04/2002 Enterprises preparing CFS
As24 Discontinuing Operations 01/04/2004 Level I
As25 Interim Financial Statement 01/04/2002 Level I
As26 Intangible Assets 01/04/2003 All Level
As 27 Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures01/04/2002 Enterprises Preparing CFS
As28 Impairment of Assets 01/04/2004 Level I {01/04/2006 Level II} {01/04/2008 Level III}
As29 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets01/04/2004 All Level
As 30 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement01/04/2011 Level I
As31 Financial Instruments: Presentation 01/04/2011 Level I
As32 Financial Instruments: Disclosures 01/04/2011 Level I

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